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                        Current Focus of Study:

  • SpringBoard Unit 3:                                   American Forums: The Marketplace of Ideas

  • Novel study:  1984 by George Orwell

How can I be successful in English III?


Embrace a good mindset

" To succeed, we must first believe that we can." Michael Korda

In order for you to succeed, you have to believe in yourself and in your abilities.  Whether you're an athlete preparing for competition or a student tackling a difficult subject, it's important that you believe in yourself.  Develop your mindset by setting goals, persevere (keep trying), stay focused, and keep learning.




Teamwork doesn't happen by accident.  Knowing how to work well in a team/group is very important.  Our class is focused on working in groups to complete tasks and acquire knowledge. 

  • Always treat others with courtesy and respect.  Be polite and listen when others are talking; listen to others ideas, no one person has ALL the good ideas, participate in the team/group discussion.

  • Develop a team mentality:  think "we," not "me."

  • Be approachable

  • Be a role model

  • Accept others:  accept their differences, and their ideas.

  • Do what you say you are going to do (be trustworthy); always do your share in the group, don't rely of someone else to do the bulk of the work.


Always do your best

Millions of people go to school or work every day, but they don't bring the best "parts" of themselves to the job or learning.  Usually, this is because they simply don't HOW to effectively EXCEL every day.  Here are a few helpful hints to guide you towards excellence.

  • Help others feel special.  Encourage and empower people every chance you get.

  • Always do the right thing, even when it's hard.

  • Be part of the solution.  Don't be known as someone who always complains about everything.

  • Tell the truth.

  • Maintain a positive attitude -- it's contagious!

  • Say "please" and "thank you".  These words really do matter.

  • Be determined to do your best.  The difference between the possible and the impossible is all in your determination.


Take the ACT and/or SAT early in your Eleventh Grade year


Taking the ACT and/or SAT is important to your future.  If you have not yet achieved the necessary score on the FSA test, the ACT and/or SAT scores can be used as a concordant score to meet the FSA graduation requirement.  Please see me, Mrs. Hudson, or Mrs. Brooks regarding important ACT and/or SAT sign-up information.


Prepare, prepare, prepare


To be successful, you have to prepare.  To be prepared, you need a clear vision of what you want to achieve; this vision changes and grows constantly, be ready to change and grow with it.  Here are some tips to help you "Be Prepared":

  • Be organized:  if you are organized, you have what you need, when you need it, and know exactly where to find it.

  • Manage your time well.  Good time management includes planning for the things you have to do so you have the time for the things you want to do.

  • Attendance matters.  Be in class, on time, every day, and be ready to work.

  • Always do your assignments/homework.

  • Invest in yourself and your future; read good books, and learn all you can.

  • Take care of yourself.  Eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep.

  • Always expect success; work towards success every day.


Keep your notebook up to date and USE IT OFTEN.


Our class notebook is a vital tool to help you be a successful student.  Make sure to keep this information organized and up-to-date.  Refer to the information when studying and when completing assignments.  

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